The Copernicus 2017 State of Climate

The EU-funded Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), both implemented by ECMWF, have drawn up an overview of climate indicators in 2017 with a special emphasis on Europe. The DUACS altimeter sea level products have been used to contribute to this report.

Key findings include that:

  • During the last few months of 2017, some land areas of the North Atlantic Arctic experienced monthly temperatures more than 6°C above the 1981–2010 average
  • Spring was one of the warmest on record in southwestern Europe, at close to 1.7°C above the 1981–2010 average
  • Overall in 2017, the European average temperature was 0.8°C higher than the 1981–2010 average, making the year the fifth or sixth warmest on record, depending on the dataset considered
  • In the European sector of the Arctic, sea ice cover was much lower than average during the first three months of the year, and January showed the largest negative anomaly on record.

More information here.

CMEMS Ocean Monitoring Indicators

The Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) now proposes a catalogue of Ocean Monitoring Indicators (OMI) including some OMIs derived from the DUACS altimeter sea level products (see the DUACS products and Ocean Indicators).

Due to their processing focused on the stability and homogeneity of the sea level record (see here), the computation of the CMEMS sea level OMIs is based on the C3S climate sea level products.

A yearly status of the CMEMS OMIs is provided in the CMEMS Ocean State Report (OSR).

Temporal evolution of globally averaged daily mean sea level without annual and semi-annual signals (blue) and low-pass filtered mean sea level (red). Arbitrary offsets have been introduced for more clarity. The MSL curves have been corrected for the GIA using the ICE5G-VM2 GIA model (Peltier, 2004).
Spatial distribution of the altimeter sea level trends during 01/1993 – 05/2017 (in mm/yr) in the global ocean. No GIA correction is applied on the altimeter data.