Operational and reanalysis produts
The operational production of this climate-oriented sea level product with regular temporal extensions of the time series is taken over by the European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and is available on the Climate Data Store.
Regions | Products |
Global Ocean | Delayed-time L4 gridded sea surface heights and derived variables |
Table: DUACS products distributed by Climate services (C3S)
Different physical variables are available in the gridded (L4) products. They are described in the Product User Guide and Specification document. Main differences between the gridded sea level products distributed by the Copernicus Marine and Climate services products is the number of satellites used, sea level anomaly references used and spatial and temporal scales used. The details are described in the FAQ.
The Copernicus Marine gridded merged products should be preferred for oceanic mesoscale applications and data-assimilation while the C3S two-satellite gridded merged products should be used for climate applications including mean sea level change, variability and oceanic circulation.
Note : These climate oriented products are also available in the Copernicus Marine Service portal.