Demonstration and pre-operational products

The CNES, french space agency at the origin of the DUACS system, contributes to the development and upgrade of the DUACS sea level products and distribute some added value products and pre-operational demonstration products. They are available on the AVISO+ portal and on ODATIS.

Type of Products Characteristics Access
Ocean Monitoring Indicators Mean Sea level, El Nino bulletin, Kuroshio index, Ionian circulation CNES AVISO+
Mean and Climatologies Monthly mean maps of sea level anomalies

Seasonally mean maps of sea level anomalies

Monthly climatology maps of sea level anomalies

Eddies atlas Global mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas CNES AVISO+
FSLE Maps of finite size Lyapunov exponents and orientations of the associated eigenvectors CNES AVISO+
Mozambique NRT gridded sea level anomalies & geostrophic velocity anomalies,

NRT along-track sea level anomalies

Other experimental products
along-track Sea Level Anomalies at 5Hz,

gridded Sea Level Heights dedicated to Arctic Ocean (EASE2 grid definition)

gridded Sea Level Heights dedicated to Antarctic Ocean (EASE2 grid definition)

gridded Sea Level Heights and geostrophic velocities computed with Dynamic Interpolation Ocean Science Topography (DYMOST) (1/8°x1/8° on cartesian grid),

gridded Sea Level Heights and geostrophic velocities computed with Multiscale Interpolation Ocean Science Topography (MIOST) (1/10°x1/10° on cartesian grid),

gridded Sea Level Anomalies and geostrophic velocities combining altimetry and drifters (1/4°x1/4° on a cartesian grid),

gridded optimally merged velocities combining altimetry and SST (1/4°x1/4° on a cartesian grid).


Table: DUACS products distributed by CNES/AVISO+.