General Overview – old

The DUACS system delivers satellite altimeter sea level products for different Copernicus services:

  • The Copernicus Marine Service  provides regular and systematic reference information for the global ocean and the European regional seas. Satellites products are delivered in near-real time and also delayed-time and they focus on the best estimate and sampling of the ocean at each moment.
  • The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) responds to environmental and societal challenges associated with human-induced climate changes. The service will provide access to several climate indicators (e.g. sea level rise) and climate indices for both the identified climate drivers and the expected climate impacts. This service delivers DUACS delayed-time sea level products focused on the homogeneity and stability of the record.

The system is also used for the production of demonstration and pre-operational products for CNES/AVISO.

Altimeter sea level products are listed below according to their thematic and the different services in charge of their distribution :

Copernicus Marine Service products
Copernicus Climate Service products
Ocean Monitoring Indicators
CNES/AVISO+ Demonstration and pre-operational products

Copernicus Marine Service products

The along-track (L3) and gridded (L4) products are processed over different regions and in Near Real Time (NRT) and/or Delayed Time (DT) conditions (see DUACS processing steps) as summarized in the following table. These products were previously known (see FAQ) as AVISO products and were distributed by the CNES AVISO+. They are now produced and distributed as part of the Copernicus Marine Service. The Sentinel-3 L3 products are processed on behalf of EUMETSAT, funded by the European Union.

The different physical variables available in both along-track (L3) and gridded (L4) products are described in the Product User Manual .

Regions Along Track products (L3) Gridded products (L4)

Table: DUACS operational products distributed by Copernicus Marine Service


Regions Along Track products (L3) Gridded products (L4)
Arctic   – Internal MFC Copernicus Marine Service catalog
Global L3 5HZ  –

Table: DUACS demonstration & pre-operational products distributed by Copernicus Marine Service

Copernicus Climate Service products

The operational production of this climate-oriented sea level product with regular temporal extensions of the time series is taken over by the European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and is available on the Climate Data Store.

Different physical variables are available in the gridded (L4) products. They are described in the Product User Guide and Specification document.

The differences between the gridded sea level products distributed by the Copernicus Marine and Climate services are described in the FAQ.

Regions Products
Global Ocean Delayed-time L4 gridded sea surface heights and derived variables

Table: DUACS products distributed by C3S

Note : These climate oriented products are also available in the Copernicus Marine Service portal.

Ocean Monitoring Indicators

Ocean Monitoring Indicators (OMIs) are quality checked and consistent information allowing regular monitoring of the ocean state, variability and change.

Ocean Monitoring Indicators Distributor
The global and regional times series of mean sea level Copernicus Marine Service OMI catalogue
The map of regional mean sea level trends Copernicus Marine Service OMI catalogue
North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) index Copernicus Marine Service OMI catalogue
Mean Sea Level, El Nino bulletin, Kuroshio index, Ionian circulation CNES AVISO+

Table: Ocean Monitoring Indicators based on DUACS altimeter sea level products.

The evolution of the global mean sea level (MSL) is a key indicator. The characteristics of the global MSL derived from the different DUACS products are described in the FAQ.

Demonstration and pre-operational products

The CNES, french space agency at the origin of the DUACS system, contributes to the development and upgrade of the DUACS sea level products and distribute some added value products and pre-operational demonstration products. They are available on the AVISO+ portal and on ODATIS.

Type of Products Characteristics Access
Ocean Monitoring Indicators Mean Sea level, El Nino bulletin, Kuroshio index, Ionian circulation CNES AVISO+
Mean and Climatologies Monthly mean maps of sea level anomalies

Seasonally mean maps of sea level anomalies

Monthly climatology maps of sea level anomalies

Eddies atlas Global mesoscale eddy trajectory atlas CNES AVISO+
FSLE Maps of finite size Lyapunov exponents and orientations of the associated eigenvectors CNES AVISO+
Mozambique NRT gridded sea level anomalies & geostrophic velocity anomalies,

NRT along-track sea level anomalies

Other experimental products
along-track Sea Level Anomalies at 5Hz,

gridded Sea Level Heights dedicated to Arctic Ocean (EASE2 grid definition)

gridded Sea Level Heights dedicated to Antarctic Ocean (EASE2 grid definition)

gridded Sea Level Heights and geostrophic velocities computed with Dynamic Interpolation Ocean Science Topography (DYMOST) (1/8°x1/8° on cartesian grid),

gridded Sea Level Heights and geostrophic velocities computed with Multiscale Interpolation Ocean Science Topography (MIOST) (1/10°x1/10° on cartesian grid),

gridded Sea Level Anomalies and geostrophic velocities combining altimetry and drifters (1/4°x1/4° on a cartesian grid),

gridded optimally merged velocities combining altimetry and SST (1/4°x1/4° on a cartesian grid).


Table: DUACS products distributed by CNES/AVISO+.

Commercial products by CLS

The CNES/CLS DUACS altimeter production system is used to produce specific regional sea level products that are of interest for specific private users (tailored along-track measurements for regional assimilation purposes, support for scientific oceanographic campaigns,…).