Products Quality

The DUACS operational altimeter sea level products are distributed by the Copernicus Marine Service (CMS) and the Copernicus Climate Service (C3S) (see ‘Access to the products’ webpage).

The validation results of the delayed-time sea level products include the characterisation of the errors and associated uncertainties. These results are available in the CMS QUality Infirmation Docuemnt (QUID) and in the C3S Product Quality Assessment Report (PQAR). Further information are available in Pujol et al., 2016 and Taburet et al., 2019.

The users are also provided below with the monitoring of on-line validation results of the CMS near real time (NRT) sea surface heights and derived variables.

Different sources of error

The altimeter measurement is affected by different errors

·        Along-track measurements – main sources of errors

·        Merged product- main sources of errors

Estimated Accuracy Numbers 

The Estimated Accuracy Numbers (EAN) are representative of the signature of different error signals on the products, including both uncorrelated (i.e., noise) and correlated (spatial and temporal scale) error signals. 

·        Uncorrelated errors or measurement noise and mesoscale observability  

·        Errors at climatic scales 

Quality report of the NRT production

Some metrics that monitor the quality of the daily DUACS NRT production.

·        Key Performance Indicators

·        L2P upstream products monitoring

·        L3 products monitoring

·        L4 products monitoring

Main events impacting quality of NRT DUACS production 

Different events can lead to a reduction of data availability