L3 products monitoring

SLA monitoring

The following figures present the monitoring of the mean, variance and number of measurements of the SLA field available on the L3 product  for the different altimeters over the past 3 months. Low-pass filtered SLA is considered (see DUACS processing).

L3 daily mean SLA monitoring
L3 daily number of SLA monitoring


High Frequency signal monitoring

The following figure presents the monitoring of the variance of the high frequency signal that is considered as measurement noise errors. This high frequency signal can be reduced by low-pass filtering (see DUACS processing)

Daily standards deviation of the short wavelength (<65km) SLA


The variance of the high frequency signal is also estimated on 1°x1° boxes in order to highlight the geographical distribution of this signal. (Statistics computed over the past 50 days of IGDR/STC measurements)

Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) Sentinel-6A SLA


#Change of orbit of J3N – During the tendem phase no available data

Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) Jason-3 SLA
Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) Sentinel-3A SLA
Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) Sentinel-3B SLA
Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) Cryosat-2 SLA
Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) SARAL-DP/AltiKa SLA
Variance of the short wavelength (<65km) HY-2B SLA